“I’m SO attracted to unavailable people.
Like, I see unavailable and I’m like woohooooo!
When I see serious and available people I’m like RUN !”
Many of us deal with this issue and we don’t know why or how to overcome them.
This Episode focuses on identifying and breaking patterns of attraction to unavailability.
I recorded this with the sole purpose of sharing with you my personal learnings & the steps I’ve taken to recovery.
I hope you find it useful as a starting point to finding your way.- E
Makinde Jayeola
Deep conversation with self is a must have, know your person… Timeless tips… A Good Listen.
Conversation with self is indeed a must.
Thanks for listening 🙏🏽
Ify Agugor
This topic! Thank you for talking about it. There are two very important things you mentioned here….the effect of unavailable/ unaffectionate parents and knowing your self worth.
We all need to look inward and work on ourselves.
We all need to work on ourselves, thanks for listening 🙏🏽
I’m hurt, the topic, the points raised, a few examples really pierced through my soul…Lool, but like you rightly pointed out for some its a situation borne out of circumstance, and then again not all attractions can lead to something, some have lessons in them, just as no one is wrong for “you” but they just lessons, I agree with an advice you mentioned on communication and “defining” as it really saves a lot of heartaches and also making excuses for red Flags on the other hand is a recipe for trouble in all, this is a very informative podcast and I like the transition in topics, a follow up podcast will be interesting and like you always say “no one has this life figured out” I look forward to the lights and guide you share. Well done
A follow up podcast is definitely on the way. Thanks for listening 🙏🏽