If morality is subjective, then right and wrong keeps changing depending on who’s judging!
As a result there are many standards and expectations out there. You should, however, live by your own honest standards, with the love of humanity being the foundation of everything you do.
With me on this topic is Deme, an all around amazing human. A consultant by day and a tennis player by night! Haha!
Follow him @deme_b on Instagram
I personally feel there’s so much to discuss on this topic… 30 minutes is hardly enough
However, we tried to touch on key areas to ensure you gain new insights on how to handle the very subjective concept called Morality.
I hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as we did recording it.
Until next time- E
Muyideen Dosumu
Really great stuff guys! I think by and large I agree with your positions across the different Issues.
I think it would be interesting to hear your views on how our internal moral compass‘/boundaries affect how we perceive people’s actions towards us – A la “why would you do this to me when I wouldn’t do it to you?”
Thanks so much for Listening.
We will record a part 2, to touch on these areas you’ve mentioned.
Thanks again 🙏🏽
I enjoyed the podcast and grabbed some nice quotes like
– “if you are not using your power to make choices, then you are allowing or rather someone is using or will use it for you”
-“you don’t drop your bad habits at the altar” e.t.c
The discussion on divorce was spot on, but also marriage is not something you can walk in and out of, because of certain types of disagreements, feelings and situations because truly no one is perfect, even siblings from the same womb have issues and life is a journey not a destination, hence, perfection or having a perfect marital life is out of it (in this case, it boils down to a certain understanding that must have built up before the marriage to hold it together)
In all, I agree “decision” should be entirely and solely on an individual’s terms and conditions devoid of the society(s) definition of morality and judgement, because at the end of the day “c’est ma vie, L’état, c’est moi ” meaning “it’s my life, I myself am the nation”
There should be a part 2, 30mins is a short time to cover all points raised, maybe more on “relationships, breakups” can also be looked at, since decisions about Divorce, Pre-marital sex And Abortion was well covered here.
Thanks so much for Listening.
We appreciate the detailed feedback.
We will record a part 2, to touch on these areas you’ve mentioned.
Thanks again 🙏🏽
Ify Agugor
The point I’m itching to talk about….the fact that it’s okay for men to cheat but totally unacceptable for women *eye roll*
I have been hearing this statement “men are polygamous in nature” and we need to kill it! People need to take responsibility for their wrong actions, playing the gender card is getting old.
I can’t wait for the abortion topic.
Keep up the good work 👏🏾
Ify Agugor
The point I’m itching to talk about….the fact that it’s okay for men to cheat but totally unacceptable for women *eye roll*
I have been hearing this statement “men are polygamous in nature” and we need to kill it! People need to take responsibility for their wrong actions, playing the gender card is getting old.
Keep up the good work 👏🏾
Thanks so much for the encouragement.
We will bring a part 2 to address other topics.
Thanks for listening 🙏🏽