There was a time in my life when I wondered how it would feel like to stand beside a great person… how I would measure up… if I could ever measure up.

At the time, I did not think there was anything exceptional about me; I was none of the things I associated being exceptional with. I was not a singer, actor, tennis or soccer player, consultant or freedom fighter (like Nelson Mandela).

I was, I am just me.

I have always been a late bloomer, in areas where my peers seemed to have it all figured out. So, it was no surprise to me when I realized I had no “big dreams” some years back.

No “big dreams” as compared to my peers, but I was walking in ‘my own’.

And that should have been enough, but I didn’t even understand myself enough to know what that meant. So, I started pointing out faults with ‘my own’ and judging myself for being a different type of greatness.

Being different, does not mean lack of purpose, being a late bloomer doesn’t mean lack of purpose, still trying to discover yourself does not mean lack of purpose.

There are different kinds of spiritual gifts…..

1 Corinthians 12 vs 4

What I’ve learned in the past three years is this, everyone has a place and a purpose. Whether you are a star chaser… who is reaching tirelessly to become a star in the sky OR a star watcher… who watches, observes, supports and encourages stars… you’ve a place and a purpose.

The chasers are usually in-front, making moves and being visible for the world to see. 

The watchers are usually behind the scenes doing their assignment of supporting, giving advice & encouraging.

Let nobody tell you otherwise, NO assignment/purpose is lesser or greater, however, they are all interconnected and we all need each other.

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body

The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.”

1 Corinthians 12 vs 12, 21(NLT)

Seeking wisdom and understanding in is a vital element to attain fulfillment. Knowing who you are will help you identify which path is yours and which race you should run. Not every race is yours to run. 

So, here is my advice to you; walk in your own– for me this means walking in your calling/purpose, whatever that is.

Being a “late bloomer” I can tell you this- I have never arrived and found nothing left in all my supposedly “late arrivals.” Instead, I keep arriving with a wealth of experience (wisdom) as I learn from the mistakes of those who have gone before me.

Finding your own takes a journey but don’t be in a hurry.

Know this, what is waiting on the other side is enough for everyone.

You are never too late.

Though the world may tell you there is no way, that you have passed the allowable age, you didn’t take the prerequisite course; you didn’t apply when you should have… they may say you are too late… that’s okay, don’t get angry at them or yourself. 

What you need to always remember is this; there is never only one way to attaining purpose. Stay open minded. If they say NO, find another way, and if they say there is no other existing way, create one. It may not be grand at the beginning, but start in your own small way, start with what you have, start with what is within you.

You are enough. Your light is enough. Don’t let the No’s stop you.

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin

Zechariah 4:10

Purpose is not in the how, when or where…. it is in the why and the action. Don’t let the how, when or where of doing what you are called to do limit you. Focus on why you have to do it and make sure you do it. However, wherever, whenever…. just begin.

I have reached a point where I now realize that the opportunity to behold a mirror every day of my life is an opportunity to stand before greatness (the one inside of me) and I measure up just fine.

Now, I only wonder how it feels to be you in your element of greatness because we are all uniquely human and great. 

And I honestly cannot wait (but will wait — learning this thing called patience) to develop fully to where I can interact with all the special humans out there and experience their greatness as it unfolds. 

All my love,
